Thursday, September 27, 2007

Scott Oliver, Group 4

Henretta chapter 7 discribes how the newly independent America is shaped into a democratic nation run by the three governmental branches; the judicial, executive and legislative. Todays government is very much like the government run by our the founding fathers. Although America stil had many problems to solve.
Land was still to be distributed, which was settled by "national domain" and by land division in the north west. A continental currency was to be stabalied and control. Which Robert Morris developed a financial system that handeled army expenditures, apportioned war expenses among the states, and centralized the growing foreign debt. These and other problems America faced led to our strong government today. But the big political crisis was what would determine the future of the United States; either following Thomas Jefferson, who perferred an agricultural nation, or Alexander Hamilton, who advised it would used the national government to stimulate trade and industry. How did both of these men effect the future of America, and how did this change the government?

1 comment:

MattPick said...

I think that instead of one prevailing over the other, having both of these influences was important to the development of the American way. Having only one of these ideals represented would've been unbalanced. The friction between the two sides keeps one side from going overboard and causing the unrepresented attitudes to protest. Both men contributed much to America, but in my opinion, even though Hamilton was great, Jefferson contributed more because absolute freedoms were to become very important in America and the common man was also a big part of what America became.