Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Anna Olson Group 2

Throughout the readings in Skemp, we continue to see William and Benjamin develop not only their personal, but business relationship. They were both so optimistic in everything they did, especially after the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1775. There is no way they were going to allow minor setbacks to put a damper on their dream of creating a British colony in the Illinois country. My question here is, would Benjamin have accomplished the things he did and be as famous as he is today were is not for his illegitimate son, William? In the last reading, I was under the impression that Ben was the one doing Will all the favors but now I feel it’s the other way around. In November 1768 when Hillsborough personally attacked Ben, William was right there to back his father up and convince the assembly to conform to the Mutiny Act. This is just one of the examples that show what a strong political bond Ben and Will had. Will tended to his father’s business and political affairs and also cared for his extended family in times of need, which allowed for Ben to remain in London. Ben and Will were each other’s “invaluable allies”.


Mallory Hayes said...

I agree, Will did do a good job picking up Ben's slack. His son helped out every once in awhile, because his father thought him well...But I think that Ben could of done it own his own if had to, there just would have been a few minor differences.

TraceyG said...

Your question asking would Benjamin have accomplished the things he did and be as famous as he is today without his son William is a very interesting point. It is never really pointed in the direction of who was holding the others head up but in fact it seems that this was a major issue. My opinion is that Benjamin and William would not be viewed the same today if it were not for both of them lending eachother a helping hand. As for their fame, it is hard to say if that would have changed.

Thomason said...

You make a great point with Will helping out his father. I don't think Will gets near enough credit for the things he did. All people ever talk about is Benjamin Franklin and all his great accomplishments. Hardly do you hear about how much his son helped him out or even about his son at all. Who knows, maybe Ben would have been completely different without his son. Excellent point.

Jake Sherman said...

I think you hit the nail on the head here. Political relationships are often the strongest. With Ben and William's symbiotic political relationship in jeopardy it is no surprise that William would have stood up for Benjamin. There was too much at risk for both of them. Now when looking at the political and business fame they had compiled, I still believe Benjamin Franklin would have hit the history books. He may not have been described in the exact same ways, but possibly as a martyr for his cause, a great philosopher, or perhaps even a political dissenter as well as religious one. The title may change but his influence wouldn't have wavered a bit.

Ben said...

i think that benjamin probably would have became who he was no matter what. before and even for a while after he had william he didn't let anything slow him down. while william did save face for benjamin on many occasions, benjamin also had a loyal following just like any celebrity would have in todays world. also i think his family was in the list of things that didn't slow him down. i think he was so wrapped up london politics he didn't pay attention. sounds a little shallow of him, but if you think of it in more of a global view, it was a pretty big sacrifice he made for his citizens.

Zachary Davis said...

Good point. In the earlier Skemp readings, Will was portrayed as somewhat of a brat(running away and what not), and Ben was obviously the more important figure. But as we progress there is a sense of equality between the two of them.
Also, I think maybe there would have been some changes had Will not been around to care for the family while Ben was away. If Ben was unable to travel as freely as he was, there could very easily be huge differences in his impact.

Elizabeth Filkins said...

I don't think all of what Ben did was influenced by Will, just a majority of it. I do agree though that most of what Ben did wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Will. We'll see how their relationship goes from here.

nbuss said...

I agree that Will was a very strong and necessary ally for Ben but I think this shows Ben's foresight. Of coarse he couldn't have predicted the magnitude of his reltionship with Will, but he did get Will the job and it always pays to have friends, or family, in influential positions.

Emma Ewert said...

I agree that Ben and Will's relationship develops not only personally but on a buisness level throughout the readings. Will did indeed do a lot for Ben and I don't think he gets enough credit. I think Ben may have been quite a bit different if it weren't for his son. Sure he may have still been brilliant but his son helped shape him into who he was.

Bryan Mostaffa said...

This is a very tough question to answer. I think that Ben's political goals and accomplishments would have been negatively impacted because i don't think that he would have had the passion for the topic that he does. I think that individually his accomplishments might have grown without the birth of William because he would have more time to work on personal goals.

Ryan Sipple said...

That's a very good point, and yes Will did help his father out a great deal, but i also believe that Benjamin could have handled things on his own. He was obviously capable of taking care of things seeing as he is viewed as one of the few founding father's of this country.

Anonymous said...

I agree about William doing more of his share of work, but i also feel like William and Franklin often used eachother to get places. Franklin had paid for William's illegitamate child to go to bording school so that that William could continue on his work and not have the means of treating to a child. Plus Franklin did the wheeling and dealing so that William could begin in a goverment position that many in his situation would have been more than lucky to land in. I feel like there was that underlying agreement, or knowing that it was just something William had to do.

Meredith Bush said...

I think that you brought up very interesting points. Ben probably would not have been able to stay abroad in London for the long period of time, if William had not stayed behind to take care of the Ben's business and family. However, I think that Ben would have still been able to accomplish all he did without Will.

Scott Oliver said...

Ben had a strong history of hard work and I think that lead to the majority of his future. I would surely say that Will gave Ben a great amount of help and did effect his life at his older age. But Ben did have a big effect on Will's childhood, which helped him when Will was older and could contribute to his future.

BrookeDouglas said...

Although Will was an intricate part and influential in his father's life and some of his achievements. I also feel that great men such as Ben Franklin are born. He had the work ethic and drive to make something out of himself long before William was even in the picture. Perhaps, yes, William hasn't been given enough credit throughout history, but I believe Ben still would have been quite the successor and assest to this nation.